View from our Porch overlooking the Harbor
Yahsu! from the Saronic Gulf Island of Hydra. I am currently on planned sabbatical leave from active parish ministry. A return visit to the Greek island of Hydra, one of the easiest islands to get to from Athens, has been high on my list. My wife Debbie and I, along with our children, stayed hear eight years ago for a week’s vacation thanks to the hospitality of our friend, Frances Sullinger, who owns a small villa here.
We were unable to get a ferry from the main harbor of Piraeus during the political unrest and general strike constantly covered by the major cable news networks last week. Times are tough for the Greek people and frustration at their predicament has escalated to flashes of civil unrest in the streets.
I was astonished to learn that Greece has a sovereign debt pile of 340 billion euros ($480 billion), more than 30,000 euros for each of its 11.3 million people. With its debt equivalent to 150 percent of annual output, Greece holds two unwanted world records: the lowest credit rating for a sovereign state, and the most expensive debt to insure. Its people have lost patience with an ever-deepening austerity drive that has slashed public sector wages by a fifth and pensions by a tenth. Needless to say, we breathed a sigh of relief when we finally boarded the ferry to the glorious island of Hydra.
Refreshment at a harbor cafe
Hydra’s small port village is a breathtaking sight. It’s small harbor is ringed with cafes, restaurants and shops, and followed by a village of stone houses and villas, tiny squares that rise up the hills like an amphitheater.
Luggage is on its way
On Hydra there are no cars. Everything is moved by donkey, including groceries, building supplies, people and their luggage. Our friend’s villa involves a significant hike up the mountain from the port, but offers a spectacular view of the harbor below.
I’ve had wonderful uninterrupted time to work on guitar repertoire and Debbie has been painting with pastel and watercolor to capture some of the pervasive beauty that surrounds us on every side.
Guitar as contemplative practice!
We’ve learned that Leonard Cohen has a home here and that Hydra has been a destination for Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Pink Floyd and many other famous and not so famous people.
What has been constant is the graciousness and generosity of the Greek people we have met here. In spite of the economic hardships they continue to face, their spirit is strong and lively, and we are grateful to be among them.